Democrat for Mayor of Troy, NY – Elect Nina Nichols

I’m running for Mayor of Troy, NY as your endorsed Democratic & Working Families Party candidate!

Proudly endorsed for Mayor of Troy by:

  • City of Troy, NY Democratic Committee endorses Nina Nichols
  • Working Families Party endorses Nina Nichols
  • 1199 SEUI endorses Nina Nichols
  • NYS Nurses Association Endorses Nina Nichols
  • Sierra Club
  • EMILY's List endorses Nina Nichols
  • Capital Women endorses Nina Nichols
  • Troy Area Labor Council endorses Nina Nichols
  • Victory Fund
  • Eleanor’s Legacy endorses Nina Nichols
  • Rensselaer County Women For Change endorses Nina Nichols

Committed to Investing in Every Neighborhood

Vacant building collapse on 4th St in Troy, NY.

A Safer Troy

Nina will fully staff, train, and equip our police department, partner with our dedicated fire department to develop a staffing plan that is safe for all, and utilize a fully staffed code enforcement department to address the crime that takes root and grows in vacant buildings. She will also expand opportunities for youth to support families and reduce youth-involved crime.

Workers replace a lead service line in Troy, NY.

A Cleaner Troy

Nina will implement a plan to replace all lead service lines, enact a proactive strategy to address negligent landlords for better housing and cleaner neighborhoods for everyone, and focus on improving our sidewalks, fixing potholes, and ensuring all neighborhoods have working streetlights.

A Greener Troy

Nina will divert more recyclable and compostable materials from our solid waste stream and secure Troy’s fair share of money available through the Inflation Reduction Act to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, create jobs, and reduce expenses. Nina also aims to expand the availability of EV charging stations, convert our fleet to EVs, and green our building codes.

What Nina Has Done for Troy

  • Established tobacco-free parks, playgrounds, and pool areas
  • Saved homeowners money by working with Code Enforcement and the Vacant Property Work Group to create the annual fee waiver program for those renovating and making efforts to sell vacant buildings
  • Proposed legislation that would have prevented 130+ residents from getting displaced from Harbour Point Gardens—proactive code enforcement ensures major safety concerns are addressed for renters while working collaboratively with landlords
  • Convened the city’s work group that developed the proposal for the first street cameras
  • Worked on a firefighter recruitment drive with the intention of increasing diversity in the workforce
  • Worked with the Troy Police Department and the District Attorney’s office on three gun buy-back events
  • Saved the city money by amending the city code to increase the fee for business sign permits while eliminating renewal fees (the cost to pursue unpaid renewal fees was more than the revenue it was generating)
  • Worked with RPI’s School of Architecture class to design urban furniture appropriate for Riverfront Park
  • Provided incubator space to business owners and organizations
  • Advocated for LGBTQ+ rights in Troy
  • Collaborated with the city to help address homelessness and promote community revitalization
  • And spent her professional career working to improve the lives of community members across the city
Nina Nichols mayoral campaign kickoff for Troy, NY

About Nina Nichols

If you haven’t already met her during her more than fifteen years of service – advocating for Troy residents on the City Council and as a Rensselaer County Legislator, and in leadership for local community organizations – now is the perfect time to learn more about our Democratic endorsed candidate for Mayor of Troy, Nina Nichols.

As a resident and homeowner Nina understands what it’s like to move to, live, parent, work, serve, legislate, and thrive in Troy.

Nina is dedicated to retaining the character of and supporting all of our diverse communities in Troy through investments in every neighborhood. As the next mayor of Troy, Nina will lead the city forward, sustaining communities and fostering opportunity for all, while maintaining Troy’s strong financial footing through fiscal responsibility.

This November 2023 Nina hopes to earn your vote and support. She is ready to serve as your Mayor of Troy from 2024 to 2028.

Nina Nichols in the News

Nina’s Vision for Troy, NY

  • Collaborative leadership ensuring community leaders and all neighborhoods have a seat at the table.
  • Economic development that maintains the character of Troy.
  • Safe and enriching opportunities for our youth.
  • Pathways to employment through fair investment in all neighborhoods.
  • Creation of new, quality housing for all income levels and preservation of existing housing.
  • Investment in parks, playgrounds and shared community spaces.
  • Adequately staffed police and fire departments supported by successful diversion programs.
  • Keep Troy walkable and accessible and promote sustainability by increasing use of EVs and through greener building codes.
  • Maintain and improve the infrastructure that allows small business to employ thousands of Troy residents.

Follow Nina Nichols on social media:

Troy Samba at Monument Square in Troy
Performing with Troy Samba at the Victorian Stroll
Rensselaer Chamber of Commerce Leadership Institute of 2023
Nina graduating with the Leadership Institute Class of 2023
Playing in the Oakwood Community Center Bowl-a-thon at Uncle Sam Lanes
Nina Nichols with family
Nina with her parents, children, and wife